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Carpenter Couple & Family Counseling, PLLC
Erica Carpenter, Ph.D., LMFT-S


New Year's Intentions for Your Relationships
The start of the new year is a great time to think about areas you would like to focus on over the next 12 months, both individually and...

Thinking Systemically
As a couple and family therapist, I have been trained to think systemically and look at situations and relationships through a systemic...

Primary vs. Secondary Emotions
You may have heard the phrase “anger is a secondary emotion”, but what does that mean? To understand this phrase, let me first describe...

How Self-Differentiated Are You?
One of the masters of family therapy, Murray Bowen, created the concept of differentiation of self, which is defined as “the ability to...

Finding a Therapist: Some Tips to Help You Get Started
If you have made the brave decision to begin the process of therapy, one of the hardest parts of the process can be finding a...
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